Transgender Holy Days Encroach

March 31, 2024, Easter Sunday, coincided with transgender visibility day. The White House Press Secretary stressed it was merely a coincidence the two days overlapped this year. Yes, that’s correct, but it is not out-of-bounds to wonder if the proximity to Easter is by design. Since the new transgender observance day was established in 2009,Continue reading “Transgender Holy Days Encroach”

Corruption Alert: Journalist Arrested for January 6

Friday, a Blaze TV journalist, Steve Baker, was arrested for his part in the January 6 riots.  A journalist was arrested for filming the event? Why was he arrested? There were many journalists on Capitol Hill that day (more than sixty per Baker, including several journalists who went through a broken window). New YorkContinue reading “Corruption Alert: Journalist Arrested for January 6”

The Legacy of Jon Stewart: Avoiding Debate

It is relatively rare for people on the Left and the Right to engage. Most TV shows and podcasts have guests of the same political persuasion as the host; we have constructed echo chambers intended to confirm the current opinions of the target audience. Challenge opinions and subscribers might abandon you for a provider willingContinue reading “The Legacy of Jon Stewart: Avoiding Debate”

What Does an Insurrection Look Like?

I predict we will hear much regarding insurrections this election year. Democrats have one example, one they repeatedly re-cycled, exaggerated and over-hyped. We cannot elect a guy who started an insurrection, after all, right?  Well, maybe we can. There was indeed a riot January 6, 2021. However, no police officers or government officials died and none were seriously injured. TheContinue reading “What Does an Insurrection Look Like?”

DEI: Censorship and Indoctrination

DEI, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is never what it seems it should be. Dr. Jordan Peterson, Canadian professor at the University of Toronto and practicing clinical psychologist has become the poster child for daring to challenge DEI nonsense. He has been punished for the good deeds of defending truth and freedom of speech. He is cogent and easyContinue reading “DEI: Censorship and Indoctrination”

DEI Dystopia

The term DEI, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion implies Non-diversity, Inequality, and Exclusion. DEI’s application is never consistent with its pitch. Anyone bragging of diversity today is probably a phony or doesn’t know the contemporary meaning. Those committed to diversity today are not committed to doing the best or promoting the best. DEI is committed to promoting those whoContinue reading “DEI Dystopia”

Pope Francis: What Do You Mean?

Politics often intrudes into the moral sphere. For instance, abortion has been a political issue the last fifty years, but the Catholic Church has consistently opposed abortion as immoral. The world’s standard is in direct opposition to God’s standard; it violates the sixth commandment. Abortion advocates say it is inappropriate to preach on this political issue and shouldn’tContinue reading “Pope Francis: What Do You Mean?”

Ignoring the Evil of Nashville

In my last post, I asked why one-channel media ignored the crime and the manifesto of the Nashville shooter, a member of an “oppressed” group, and failed to blame the usual suspects (guns, Christians, conservatives). A friend of mine called me paranoid: There seems to be a bit of paranoia with your statement.  How wouldContinue reading “Ignoring the Evil of Nashville”

The Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Exposed

Eight months ago, a Nashville shooter killed six in a shooting spree in a Tennessee Christian school. guns-and-transgenderism-it-is-all-about-the-narrative. The shooter was transgender and the targets were Christians, a narrative difficult to spin. Because no transgenders, gays, minorities, or other oppressed groups were targeted, the usual suspects, Christians and conservatives (especially Caucasian ones), were not blamed.Continue reading “The Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Exposed”