Transgender Holy Days Encroach

March 31, 2024, Easter Sunday, coincided with transgender visibility day. The White House Press Secretary stressed it was merely a coincidence the two days overlapped this year. Yes, that’s correct, but it is not out-of-bounds to wonder if the proximity to Easter is by design. Since the new transgender observance day was established in 2009,Continue reading “Transgender Holy Days Encroach”

The Legacy of Jon Stewart: Avoiding Debate

It is relatively rare for people on the Left and the Right to engage. Most TV shows and podcasts have guests of the same political persuasion as the host; we have constructed echo chambers intended to confirm the current opinions of the target audience. Challenge opinions and subscribers might abandon you for a provider willingContinue reading “The Legacy of Jon Stewart: Avoiding Debate”

The Search for Meaning: 1989 vs 2024

Let’s call this a discussion on the meaning of life.  My friend and debating partner led to this discussion with his skeptical questions regarding my biblical worldview. He also outlined his own value system, one that relies neither on God nor Marx, today’s favorite philosopher. Standards I cannot alter God’s standard to suit myself. It stands aboveContinue reading “The Search for Meaning: 1989 vs 2024”

The Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Exposed

Eight months ago, a Nashville shooter killed six in a shooting spree in a Tennessee Christian school. guns-and-transgenderism-it-is-all-about-the-narrative. The shooter was transgender and the targets were Christians, a narrative difficult to spin. Because no transgenders, gays, minorities, or other oppressed groups were targeted, the usual suspects, Christians and conservatives (especially Caucasian ones), were not blamed.Continue reading “The Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Exposed”

Supreme Court Says (Again) You Don’t Have to Bake the Cake

Graphic designer, Lorie Smith wanted to expand her Colorado business to include custom designed wedding web sites, but she feared being sued should she decline to design a same-sex wedding site. Like a vast number of us, she does not wish to promote same sex marriage. That’s not actually a sin. Five years ago, ColoradoContinue reading “Supreme Court Says (Again) You Don’t Have to Bake the Cake”

From Obergefell to “Let’s Trans the Kids”. What’s Going on?

In 2012, North Carolina voted for a ban on gay marriage, extending a streak of thirty consecutive “no” votes in a period of a few years: The AP made that projection based on an actual tally of votes. With 35 percent of the vote counted, 58 percent of those casting ballots voted in favorContinue reading “From Obergefell to “Let’s Trans the Kids”. What’s Going on?”

Guns and Transgenderism. It’s All About the Narrative.

We don’t yet know exactly why a transgender man (actually a female), killed six at a Nashville Christian school. She said she wanted to die and knew she would die that day (I refer to this person by her actual sex, not by the preferred one). She left behind a manifesto to explain everything, butContinue reading “Guns and Transgenderism. It’s All About the Narrative.”

Let’s Fight the Culture War. It Should be Easy Against These Folks.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former Trump press secretary and now governor of Arkansas, gave the State of the Union rebuttal last week. She defined the contrast in America today: The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left.   The choice is between normal or crazy.  She re-iterated the point: And while youContinue reading “Let’s Fight the Culture War. It Should be Easy Against These Folks.”

Dying Culture Refuses to Defend Marriage, Life, and Liberty

On November 29, the US Senate passed the Marriage Equality bill by a vote of 61-36, putting same sex marriage on the same plane as traditional marriage. Through almost all of civilization, marriage and family was recognized as the foundation of society. Doing what feels good, placing no limits whatsoever on sexual behavior, and notContinue reading “Dying Culture Refuses to Defend Marriage, Life, and Liberty”

The Normalization of Delusion

Update June 2023: I first published this post July 2022 following the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the decision to affirm prayer at public school football. Since then, I spoke of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence being honored by the LA Dodgers.  what-is-sacrifice-what-is-courage-musk-swift-and-others-demonstrate. Tolerating the sisters is one thing–Americans have always tolerated individuals withContinue reading “The Normalization of Delusion”